Senegal has recorded nine fatalities as a result of the ongoing protests.

The nine people who died were shot by soldiers and the police, this is due to the fact that in Senegal, an opposition politician.Violence erupted Thursday in Dakar and Senegal after Senegalese opponent Ousmane Sonko, accused of rape, was sentenced to two years in prison for “corruption of youth”, a sentence that further compromises his presidential candidacy from 2024.
difficulty eating because the canteens are closed, so the students are going to ask for food from the people. He said: The public universities are also closed. students are ordered off campus.
:<University canteens are closed too and some students have to rely on the solidarity of local people to eat or return to their families.
Another thing is that soldiers are now deployed in all the streets of the capital Dakar Said :<The Army is deployed in some Dakar’s areas, mainly the Plateau where most institutions are located>.There has also been looting of stores, mainly those belonging to Auchan, seen as a French interest.This morning people gathered to donate blood. Several solidarity chains are underway to raise money or collect some goods for the care of the injured or to help students in need.
Sonko, 48, was accused of raping Adji Sarr, a woman who worked at a massage parlor in 2021, when she was 20 years old, in a criminal court that cleared Sonko of rape, but found him guilty of what is described in the Penal Code as disorderly conduct. for people under the age of 21. Even if you testify to the crime of corruption, that you gave to the youth, they will punish him for two years in prison.
Story By Juventine Muragijemariya